
Lucky Bird Day

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After the opening and introductions, Bibi of the Lucky Bird told about the research on worms done by Wageningen.

By moving the carts you prevent worm infestation but chickens eat insects that may contain larvae. How to recognize if the chicken has worms and how to fight them. Furthermore, it is important that the chicken is healthy, has a good resistance and there is good hygiene in the cages.

Vera Bavinck, a veterinarian specializing in chickens, explained the process of finding the right dual-purpose chicken, where the hen lays well and the rooster provides good meat. That ended up being the organic Sasso chicken. A hybrid chicken developed in France by crossing old resistant breeds and purchased and supplied as a mother by the company HendrixGenetics.

The first batch of hens were hatched by the Sasso mother hen on the farm of the Lucky Bird, Yvonne Sturm and Erik-Jan ten Brink, the hens were raised there and the roosters were raised on the farm of DID-IT. The dams, which are always needed for rearing, are now on theDID-IT farm.

There has been a long search and experimentation with crossbreeds of chickens in which the Sasso gave the best results. The Sasso chickens have good resistance and are healthy. The hens are friendly and hardly peck at each other, which normally happens a lot. Because they start laying later, they develop solid and healthy legs and therefore hardly have sternum or other bone fractures, which is very common in chickens. The Sasso easily adapts to the length and rhythm of the day. After moulting, this hen may have a 2nd layingperiod.

The Sasso rooster develops slowly and therefore has firm, tender meat. Both the Sasso rooster and the hen have beautiful silver-gray feathers and are pleasing to the eye.

DID-IT's chef, Felice Cicoria, provided lunch withnatural roast rooster.

Jos Fransen of the company Reudink, which supplies organic chicken feed, explained the role of Reudink: The reception of young hens, what is important for the care of the house and cart, the conditions regarding feed, water, light and space.

The whole party was shown around DID-IT's farm,the potting shed with the Jersey bulls and the Calverliefde bulls inside and outside in pasture, the Sasso hens and the chicken carts, the organic store Heart forEarth and the Sasso dams in a separate barn.

With darkness falling, everyone headed back home with much to think about.

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